
Flat white
Flat white

flat white

However one might define a flat white, its beginnings almost certainly dovetail with the end of World War II, with two developments that were key to its birth: Achille Gaggia, a cafe owner in Milan, pushed the first modern espresso machine - that is, one actually capable of delivering the pressure that produces what we now think of as espresso - into the world, and a wave of Italians immigrated to Australia by the tens of thousands.

flat white

The better question is, “ Why is the flat white?” So maybe, “What is a flat white?” is the wrong question. “Basically it’s just another combination of milk and coffee enjoyed by people who enjoy a small, strong, milky coffee,” says Jenni Bryant, general manager of Melbourne’s Market Lane Coffee. There is just one objective truth about a flat white, it seems, and it’s that it contains espresso and hot milk. It was either invented in Australia or New Zealand it’s maybe “a slightly stronger latte” or “just like a cappuccino” it’s either, broadly speaking, “consistently served in a 5- to 6-ounce ceramic cup” or it’s, more specifically, “30 to 40 grams of espresso beverage with 180 grams of thinly textured milk.” It’s potentially got “no foam whatsoever” so it lays “‘flat’ across the rim of the cup - hence the name,” or it’s “steamed so that you could easily pour a rosetta or something more complicated.”

Flat white